Astro Ring



Ishvaa Astro Ring is a highly specialised and exclusive three metal protection band, bound together in a sacred formula based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar.

“One little-known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next to the skin.”

 Sri Yukteswar Giri

Frequently Asked Questions By Thousands Of Clients

Carefully crafted for holistic benefit, “Ishvaa Astro Ring” is manufactured under expert technical and spiritual guidance. Sri Yukteswar created the specific formula with precise weights and this sacred information is handed down from yogic tradition and cannot be found everywhere. Ishvaa Astro Ring has a powerful, unique and secret formulation inspired by the Kriya Bangle of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Just as a lightning rod is affixed to a house to absorb the falling thunder and lightning, the Ishvaa Astro Ring is a lightning rod to absorb the ferocity of bad planetary vibrations before affecting the wearers body.

Carefully crafted for holistic benefit, “Ishvaa Astro Ring” is manufactured under expert technical and spiritual guidance. Sri Yukteswar created the specific formula with precise weights and this sacred information is handed down from yogic tradition and cannot be found everywhere.
We Do Not Manufacture Our Rings In Bulk And Only Start The Making Process When We Receive Your Order. We Choose An Auspicious Time (Muhurat) To Start Manufacturing. Once The Ring Is Complete, It Is Energized With Vedic Mantras And Shipped To You.


Ishvaa Astro Ring It Is Not An “Over-The Counter” Item But Is Premium And Exclusively Made For You. The Delivery Takes 2-3 Weeks Depending On The Shipping Location. Delivery time will be confirmed once an order is confirmed.

Weight  – 10 Gm Approx. (Individual Metal Weights Are Proprietary Information And Cannot Be Publicly Displayed)

Metals – Gold, Silver, Copper

Purity  – 99.9 % And Hallmarked Gold

Size  – Adjustable Band

*Price Fluctuation: Due To The Fluctuation Of The Cost Of Gold And Silver, Our Listed Price Represents The Global Rates Of The Metals.

“Ages Ago, Our Rishis Pondered The Problem Of Combating The Adverse Effects Of Subtle Cosmic Influences. The Sages Discovered That Pure Metals Emit An Astral Light Which Is Powerfully Counteractive To Negative Pulls Of The Planets.”

Just as a house may be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so can out body be protected by using pure metal combination ornaments.

Many clients have felt profound positive changes on wearing the ring versus when they didn’t. These changes have been exactly what the clients needed and desired when they wore the ring.

Ring Finger / Index Finger on the hand most in use.


Wear it in the daytime either in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Before wearing the ring, place it on your palm and close your eyes and make your wish and pray to the cosmos to give you immense benefit from the ring, once prayed, you should wear the ring.

A very few clients have expressed that they felt uncomfortable, anger pangs, flu like symptoms, or an odd skin rash after wearing the ring. A few clients have also felt the ring get oddly hot or cold while wearing.

Don’t worry, the ring isreleasing your aura of negativity. So Don’t panic and take the ring off! The Ring Is Starting To Protect You.

  • Try Changing The Finger As Suggested Options Above
  • Try Changing The Hand You Wear The Ring In
  • Have Faith And Let The Ring Bond With Your Physical Energy
  • If The Ring Is Really Bothering You, Remove It At Night Before Going To Bed. Clean It Well, And Place It On Your Altar For An Hour. Often This Is Enough To Stop The Irritation.

If the discofort persists even after following the above steps, kindly take off the ring and email us to have a personal chat with Dr. Radhika to understand why the negative energies around you are overpowering and how to heal them.

The ring may show signs of darkness and discoloration, due to the wearers skin chemistry, environmental factors or the energy it is shielding the wearer from.

To clean, put the ring in soapy lukewarm water and gently rub it with a brush or your fingers for a few minutes until clean. We recommend that you clean your ring every few months.